Enterprise IT Business Unit Integration
Collaborate across applications and business units
When an enterprise moves to the cloud, they typically get separated cloud instances for different business units, teams, applications and workloads.
Multiple, specialized clouds provide vast computing power and agility, but there is a cost associated with managing dozens or hundreds of clouds.
Also, separate clouds running Kubernetes and containers are not able to communicate because they are isolated from each other. And, as enterprise cloud instances often duplicate resources, there is waste and additional expense.
"Many executives are really worried about how much money they are spending— and wasting — on the cloud," says Hays, who serves as the chairperson of the FinOps Foundation Governance Board at the Linux Foundation. (Source: CIO.com - July 2022).
Nethopper allows you to easily (and cost effectively) distribute and securely connect your existing applications and services across multiple clouds.
Nethopper KAOPS provides an open-source, GitOps-centric platform engineering framework solution to the problem of multi-cloud application management.