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KAOPS Platform Engineering Framework 

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Simplified Configuration / Secrets Management

KAOPS enables you to increase consistency and security by automating the provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure resources and secrets with: 


  • Crossplane

  • Terraform Provider

  • CloudTruth​

  • SealedSecrets


KAOPS Enables Reliable and Faster Deployment Velocity 

Use K8s APIs to Provision and Manage Infrastructure with Crossplane Cloud Native Control Plane Framework    

Crossplane is a cloud native framework that builds control planes without needing to write code  

Terraform IaC image
Crossplane IaC image

Leverage Terraform IaC Provider to Re-Use Configurations, Reduce Manual Errors, and Increase Productivity 

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure

KAOPS Helps you Simplify and Centralize Cloud Secrets/Security Configurations

Manage and ensure proper protection of critical data with CloudTruth

Integration with CloudTruth enables your developers to store sensitive data in a secure environment with strict access controls

SealedSecrets icon

Encrypt your Kubernetes secrets with SealedSecrets 

SealedSecrets is safe to upload to Git repositories.  Integration with SealedSecrets' encryption/decryption allows SealedSecrets to be decrypted only by the controller running in the target cluster.  

Ensure Certificates Are Valid and Up to Date with cert-manager

cert-manager adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing, and using those certificates. 

cert manager logo
let's encrypt image hierarchy
Let's encrypt logo

Obtain, Renew, and Manage SSL/TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt

Let's Encrypt, which is is a free, automated and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public's benefit.  Let's Encrypt gives people the digital certificates they need in order to enable HTTPS (SSL/TLS) for websites in the most user-friendly way. 

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