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Migrate Cloud Foundry Applications to Kubernetes

Solution for Migration and Upgrade

KAOPS modernizes Cloud Foundry applications

Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry (CF) was Pivotal's CI/CD platform for running applications in virtual machines (VMs). Many companies leveraged CF to develop and deploy hundreds of thousands of applications

The Rise of Kubernetes

The landscape of container orchestration has shifted dramatically with the rise of Kubernetes. As major cloud providers began offering their own managed Kubernetes services, the industry's focus has largely pivoted away from Cloud Foundry.


CF has entered its end-of-life (EOL) phase, prompting organizations that heavily invested in the platform to seek transition strategies

The CF Migration Challenge

While IT wants to move these apps to the cloud and modern Kubernetes container management, it might require all the app developers to abandon CF and learn Kubernetes.  Retraining 100s or 1000s of app developers is costly and disruptive. 

The CF Migration Solution

Recent KAOPS innovation allows CF App developers to keep their CF experience and result in apps running in Kubernetes, the preferred IT environment.  This satisfies both app developers and IT, and allows for seamless low-cost migration to the cloud and supported tooling.

With KAOPS, you can: 

  • Avoid training your app developers to use Kubernetes

  • Reduce datacenter footprint

  • Migrate workloads to cloud or hybrid cloud

  • Enable Ops to monitor and upgrade applications without developer involvement.


Explore how Nethopper KAOPS can help you.

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Migration Details

Solution requirements:

To enable migration from Cloud Foundry to cloud-based Kubernetes requires the following:

  • Kubernetes environment

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